If you're looking for some easy, good value for money brasserie food and you happen to be in the neighbourhood of Overijse/Jezus-Eik/Tervuren then this is the place to go. Offering a wide variety of brasserie classics as there are; cheese croquettes, mushroom toast, eels in green sauce, côte a l'os, dame blanche and many more...

+ an often changing suggestion board.
Toast Champignons - baked mushrooms on toasted bread
Escargot a la bourguignon - Snails in a garlic sauce

Delicious Mort Subite Geuze on draft - Ideal to work up an appetite!
Entrecôte nature bleu chaud - medium rare prime rib
The waiters are allways friendly and will adress you in 'Brussels', a language somewhere between French and Dutch. Athmosphere is lively and decoration is authentic brasserie style, don't expect any Pinto here!
Golden brown crispy french fries with Vol-au-vent and my daughter's smile ;)
And don't leave without having some nice dessert like ;

Profiterolles with chocolat sauce

Cheesecake with speculoos and red fruit coulis
Prices are all reasonable for the good quality you get so please,......
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