- A small box of Cuberdons or 'neuzekes', a popular Belgian candy originating from Ghent and originally made with wraspberry flavour. A good quality.....vanished in seconds...
- A bottle of original Belgian ketchup, 'Brussels Ketjep'.
- A jar of 'sucre a chouquettes', sugar in pearls. Used for as decoration for pastries, breads and more.
- A 'Supersec' box with ingredients to make a potatoe mash with Cèpes mushrooms. Just add milk, butter and some parmesan and you should have a tasty, velvety mousseline. I'm quite curious about this one, will keep you informed. Supersec is an online shop offering all kinds of mushrooms in dried form. Nice concept!
- Another trip down to memory lane, a bottle of syrup with 'pomme d'amour'-'candied apple' flavour. Carnival food in a bottle.
- Finally a jar of tomato sauce 'a l'ancienne'. Pure concentrated sugo without food preservatives. Will go great with some fresh pasta.
Nice box again, though the first one had me a tad more excited but I'm surely looking forward to prepare that Cèpes mousseline!!