
Foodsterbox 2

New month and a new arrival of a foodsterbox, my second and allmost the last one. What did I get this time?? Let's see:

  1. A small box of Cuberdons or 'neuzekes', a popular Belgian candy originating from Ghent and originally made with wraspberry flavour. A good quality.....vanished in seconds...
  2. A bottle of original Belgian ketchup, 'Brussels Ketjep'. 
  3. A jar of 'sucre a chouquettes', sugar in pearls. Used for as decoration for pastries, breads and more.
  4. A 'Supersec' box with ingredients to make  a potatoe mash with Cèpes mushrooms. Just add milk, butter and some parmesan and you should have a tasty, velvety mousseline. I'm quite curious about this one, will keep you informed. Supersec is an online shop offering all kinds of mushrooms in dried form. Nice concept!
  5. Another trip down to memory lane, a bottle of syrup with 'pomme d'amour'-'candied apple' flavour. Carnival food in a bottle.
  6. Finally a jar of tomato sauce 'a l'ancienne'. Pure concentrated sugo without food preservatives. Will go great with some fresh pasta.
Nice box again, though the first one had me a tad more excited but I'm surely looking forward to prepare that Cèpes mousseline!!

